Thursday, 17 May 2018


Mayor's Announcements 

The Mayor informed members of  an event he had attended in Llandovery last month which was quite good; it featured a 50 duck race (plastic ducks) on the river - 99% got trapped and did not finish the course.

Ammanford Town Council: Half inept. Half hiding something. Half not good at integer maths!

As the hotly contested Ammanford Town Council by-election for the Iscennen Ward closes, the hollow political promises are binned, and finally the votes are counted, this little numerical gem is worth savouring. It is from one of the few incomplete Minutes released (under compulsion of the Freedom Of Information Act) by the Council. One has to wonder how free and fair today's election has been. How could the Iscennen electorate know what has gone on when the Council has obstinately and repeatedly failed to publish Minutes of meetings and accounts of expenditure. If this election was held in a far-flung developing nation then the enlightened western media would be decrying it from the tree-tops and their satellite phones.

FAOD, these words were copied verbatim, and can be read in between Min.522/16 Oct Police Matters and Min. Oct. / 523/16 To confirm as being a correct record the minutes..... The account also relates to the former mayor, not the current incumbent.

Sadly, Ammanford Town Council also seem to have forgotten to renew their domain registration, and their sparsely populated and stale website has been replaced with adverts to sell or renew the domain since Tuesday. In the short-term content can still be scraped from Google's cache.

[Kudos to the The Sneeze for fractional inspiration]

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